Friday, May 29, 2009

ZZzzZZzzzzzzz . . .

Berkley, sleep much?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A is for Andrew

Meet my wonderful, smart, fabulous, handsome, very good Sarah-impersonator, boyfriend....Andrew John (the love of my life).

For All You Gator Hators (aka....SMART people)

Chipper, 1 year old Lab. Berkley, 8 month old Bulldog.... tear into The University of Florida Gators stuffed (stupid) animal. This is for all of those poor losers and poor winners at UF. Boo-ya.

((GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))

Monday, May 25, 2009

The W

Lauren, Amanda, and I reunited again two months after taking over NYC.....we all met this Memorial Day weekend at 'The W'; a brand new hotel on Fort Lauderdale beach. It was AMAZING! More pics to come!

B is for Berkley

Needless to say, our English Bulldog Berkley Richey-Head is the ultimate pooch, and by pooch I mean basically my "hairy child." He's sweet, LOVES his mommy, and listens well to daddy. He snuggles, gives kisses, sleeps A LOT, and most definitely snores. He just turned 8 months old.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm in a New York state of mind . . .

Since we're all in different places now, (Me-Tampa, Amanda-Melbourne, Lauren-NYC) we just have to hop onto planes to see eachother! So, at the end of March we all decided to spend a long weekend in NYC! Long nights with good food and bars/clubs, good pizza (ha), fast taxis, broadway shows, LOTS of people, and plenty of 'bark'=a great time with great best friends.

Strolling the streets . . .

We saw Chicago!
A 'fun' ride in the cab. . . aka. . . weird cab driver.

1109.75 miles to Tallahassee!!! Our once-home town.
Times Square - where Lauren works!

Waiting at the train station!