While AJ was out of the country for the USF home game vs. Southern Charleston (or something like that) on September 19, 2009.....we just gave his ticket to Lindsey and cheered on the Bulls anyway! Just a litttttle sunburnt for our tailgate....but what a great parking spot we got!
Monday, September 28, 2009
USF Home Game 9-19-09
rattled on by Sarah at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Meet 'Big Shawty'
Soooo unbeknownst to AJ (while in Europe for 2 weeks), I went and bought a new car last Saturday; a Jeep Commander Limited. Talk about keeping secrets! Needless to say, the wait was worth the surprise when I picked him up from the airport and he didn't even look up or think twice when I pulled up.
She's drives great and I love 'Shawty'!! It's totally loaded inside.
rattled on by Sarah at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
FSU is USF backwards!
So we traveled up to my old college town, Tallahassee to watch the big FSU vs. USF. Unfortunatelyyyyyyy FSU stunk it up. Since I consider myself half Bull now, good job Bulls. But, my blood still runs Garnet and Gold! NOLES fan forever!
Here are some tailgating photos from our RV spot, and some inside Doak Campbell Stadium at FSU in Tallahassee, FL. Go Noles!
Go green!My bro and I mid chop, yellow tongue and all.
rattled on by Sarah at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tally Bound
Off to Tallahassee tonight once I pick up AJ from the airport after work, for the big game! FSU vs. USF Saturday @ noon (too hot!) !!!! If only they'd played when AJ and I were both still cheering, that would have been so fun!
2 words.
2 syllables.
G O N O L E S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought I'd post some photos for the big game this weekend, to remember all of my wonderful years at FSU......single tear.
Can you spot me in all the photos?
Donald Trump @ his house in West Palm Beach, FL. Basketball game my senior year!
My best friend Amanda in the middle. Can you spot that we got spray tans? Haha.
rattled on by Sarah at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Birthday Boy Berkley!
September 22, 2008 a star was born.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERKLEY!!! The big 1 !!!!!!!!!
Here are some photos to showcase the special day:
He brought his birthday decoration to the party. The first day we got him November 16th, 2008.

rattled on by Sarah at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
Bought these new wall decorations at Ross yesterday. Orange and brown with shiny silver diamonds inside. I love it. Thoughts?
.....annnnnd I'm pretty sure I didn't hang them secure enough. Note: no sudden movements on the couch if you come over. haha.
rattled on by Sarah at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Well, I dropped AJ off at the airport in Orlando, FL to fly to Rome, Italy for 2 weeks for international KPMG training. Lucky! Berkley and I miss him already! He'll be back right in time for the FSU vs. USF game in Tallahassee, FL.....GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rattled on by Sarah at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Beach Weekend!
A couple weekends ago, 6 of us friends got a place out on Indian Rocks Beach, just south of Clearwater beach. The weather was typical Florida weather, sunny with a 100% chance of rain. Here are some pics of us from the great relaxing weekend!
It was our friend Yoelly's birthday party, and here were are at the VIP birthday spot at 'Shepards' on Clearwater Beach. Wow, it's sooooo sunny AJ, put on some more sunscreen.
rattled on by Sarah at 9:02 PM 0 comments