What do you get when you add Berkley, Sarah, Tristan, AJ, Aynsley, and SHAMU? A GOOD TIME!
My big chubby hairy son one night during the week. You want to get on the computer? Berkley doesn't think so.
Monday, August 31, 2009
rattled on by Sarah at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Well . . . Christon, my dearest of friends came into town to visit us in Tampa, the week after completing Marine Corps OCS. We ventured to Atlanta, GA to visit Tristan before he headed off to South Korea to teach English for 6 months! We luckily saw my old FSU roommate and other cheerleaders! A fun time! ; )
The view off of our porch downtown!Berkley loves stinky feet (those are AJ's feet).
Christon, Berkley and AJ chatting out on the back porch. Look at those spiffy rocking chairs.
rattled on by Sarah at 6:42 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
^^ AJ is a Master ^^
Andrew John Head: an undergraduate and now gradute alumni of USF, and oh, did I forgot....a CPA too. This weekend was his official graduate school graduation earning his Masters of Accountancy degree, and luckily all of the family came into town. Here are some pictures from our laugh filled weekend. Congrats AJ! Love the new curtains, (thanks mom!!!).....and the people inside this picture of course!
rattled on by Sarah at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Dog Hair
Well, my parents were in town this weekend and got a new yellow lab puppy from the same breeder as Chipper, here are some pictures from over the weekend!
Berkley was the first to try out the new bath in our new place. Doesn't he look thrilled?
rattled on by Sarah at 5:51 PM 0 comments