What do you get when you add Berkley, Sarah, Tristan, AJ, Aynsley, and SHAMU? A GOOD TIME!
My big chubby hairy son one night during the week.
You want to get on the computer? Berkley doesn't think so.

Walking through Sea World!

Blue slushie!!!!

Crawling through the tube!

Smile before the ride, NO smile for me after the ride. Twisted tummy.

Aynsley=happy. Granny=not so much. The big girl went on it 3 times!

Polar Bear attack!

Overall, a good weekend! AJ took me to watch the Shuttle Launch Friday night, Sea World on Saturday, and relaxed on Sunday in DeBary. Berkley is pooped from chasing the kids around all weekend; needless to say . . . he's snoring beside me right now as I blog it up.
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