Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Run Forrest Run!

MICHAUD Periodontics and Dental Implants, thought it was a good idea (forced us) to run a Wesley Chapel, FL 5k as a group at the beautiful Saddlebrook Resort this past weekend. . . . . my legs are STILL sore.

From L to R: Dr. Michaud, Joey, April, Diane, Kristy (preggers!), Niki, and Michele, and me on the nasty ground.
The purple tie-dye spandex shirts helped Christen and I run the whole way; along with the sporty wrist bands. (and p.s. I DID run the ENTIRE 5k......ladies and gentlemen, this has never happened before. I think it was knowing we were going to Cracker Barrell right after that gave me the motivation to do it. Thanks biscuits and gravy.)

Bring on the next 5k!