Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Snow Bunny

Last Saturday I left a sunny 81 degrees Tampa to fly to COLDY COLD COLD Washington D.C. The sights were beautiful until I stepped out of the airport and boy was I happy to reside in FLORIDA. Anywho, the weekend in Virginia was filled with food, shopping, sight-seeing in D.C., and skiing in western Virginia at Massanutten Ski Resort. Let me just say, I am fabulous at skiing. 'Black terrain' runs? Bring it on!

It was my dad's second time skiing, and he was great!

Goofing off. What else?

Snow bunny.
D.C. Rainy day, but still beautiful.

My dad and Cheryl in D.C.

The Capitol. What you can't see, behind the picture taker, are G I A N T posters facing the Capitol stating 'GENITAL FREEDOM FOR BOYS AND GIRLS!!!!!'......boy, gotta love those protestors, soooo pleasant.
I was happy to see my dad and go skiing, but I was VERY happy to be home with my boys. There's no place like home.