We ventured down to the beautiful Four Seasons Miami for one of my many best friends, and former 'flyer' on my FSU cheer squad's wedding!!!!! Awesome food and great friends made the weekend soooo wonderful, and full of dancing, dancing, stunting in wedding dresses, and more dancing! (It's what we FSU girls do best)

Meet the FSU cheer squad. (+ our coach... can you guess which one she is?.....gosh, I'm so mean...)

Doing our old 'fsu chant' that we would do after every practice.


Sara and Brian Frost. So adorable all night...

Table 12 (the best table!!!!)

Taking the shoes off.....ready to stunt.

Like old times!

The benefit of leaving early: first dibs on the 'candy station' on our way out!!!

This was my last smile of the night (but what candy doesn't make me smile?).....because we then got in my car at 11 pm and drove alllll the way back (4 hrs) to Tampa, to attend lovely work the next day. I can't take credit for it....my boo drove me all the way home. That's why I love him.
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