Thursday, December 22, 2011

Beer Shampoo

One of my favorite online eclectic (and reasonably priced!!!) clothing stores is called LuLus and they also have a fashion blog I follow, below is a post about 'Weird and Unusual Beauty Tips' that I had to copy and post for you.....and if you're like me, you've probably tried some too!

1. Old Coffee Grounds Reduce Cellulite

Mix ¼ to ½ cup coffee grounds with about 2 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil. Rub into your lumpy bits, and then wrap it all up with plastic wrap and let it cook for ten minutes before you rinse. (Tip: Use your old grounds from this morning's pot! Yay recycling!)

2. Hemorroid Cream Reduces Puffy Eyes and Reduces Red Pimples

Gently rub a dab onto puffy or red areas. Good for damage control after a round of sappy movies.

3. Adding Beer to Your Shampoo Adds Volume and Repairs Hair

Beer for me, beer for my hair . . . Put 3/4 cup beer in a pot on the stove and boil until you've got 1/4 cup left. Once cool, add it to a cup of whatever shampoo you're already using.

4. Whiten Your Nails with Baking Soda and Lemon

Sprinkle some baking soda on a wedge of lemon and scrub. Ta-da, squeaky clean.

5. Add Chopped Garlic to Your Nail Polish for Long and Strong Nails

Mince garlic really finely and dump it in a bottle of your nail polish. Let the bottle sit for a few days, allowing the chunks to settle, and then apply as usual (avoiding the chunks).

6. Freeze Your Eyeliner So It Doesn't Crumble

Throw it in the freezer 15 minutes or so before you want to apply, and the tip won't break off or crumble when you apply it.

7. Rub Your Hair with Dryer Sheets to Prevent Frizz and Static

Choose a sweet-smelling dyer sheet and rub it through your hair in the morning before you head out. Stash it in your purse for touch-ups during the day. Avoid the sheets that smell like moldy laundromat.

8. Put Toothpaste on a Zit

Dab it right on top of the infection. Think of an excuse as to why you have minty spots all over your face. Rinse when dry.

9. Brush Perfume through Your Hair

Spritz your favorite perfume directly onto your hair, then brush through for frangrant strands all day long. Practice your hair tossing skills.

10. Blow Dry Your Eyelash Curler

After you're done blow drying your hair, apply waterproof zap your (metal) eye lash curler for a couple of seconds. Make sure it's not going to burn off all your eyelashes, then crimp. The heat works the same way curlers do on your hair, and your curled eyelashes will be lovely all day!

11. Shaving Your Face Exfoliates and Makes You Look Younger

Some claim that shaving your face in the shower every day creates a more youthful appearance by exfoliating and smoothing. Also prevents cases of the fuzzy-wuzzies.

12. Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel Works As a Primer

When you compare about $7 at the store to Mac's $40...and I think you'll agree. Nobody has to know your beauty secret!